Objectives of Health Education

The need for health education is the same for people of every age, every class, and every part of the world. Health education is as much needed in developed countries as in developing countries. Due to constant lifestyle changes, the need for health education is intensely felt. The following objectives have been stated after studying and analyzing various definitions of health education.

  • Making people aware of developing related knowledge
  • Motivating people or developing correct attitudes related to health
  • Giving guidelines to people for action or development of desirable health habits
  • Best development of a person (physical and mental)
  • Development of healthy human relations
  • Development of healthy efficiency
  • Development of civic responsibility related to health

Making people aware of developing related knowledge

The first objective of health is to convey the information obtained based on research to the people. This information helps identify and solve health-related problems. Such information helps to keep away ignorance, prejudices, wrong beliefs, and blind faiths related to health and cleanliness.

Motivating people or developing the right attitude towards health

Under Health Education, more is needed to give people knowledge and information about health; they must also be motivated and encouraged to do it. Based on this knowledge, they can change their lifestyle through their behavior, habits, and thinking in their daily life and make it better. People who follow a healthy attitude will spread the message of a healthy life in their family, society, and country.

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Giving people guidelines for action or developing desirable health habits

Any information or knowledge will only be beneficial if used to develop good habits and practices and will make people determined to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Health Education: The health-related behavior and attitude of a person determines the level of health of the person. It is natural for health to deteriorate by adopting harmful habits, whereas adopting good habits leads to positive energy flow in the mind and body.

Best development of a person (physical and mental)

The best development of a person means the development of all aspects of his personality. In this situation, a person can live his life best by using all the sources and resources available around him. A physically and mentally healthy person has no problems in life, and he overcomes every obstacle easily. Mental stability is necessary for a healthy personality. A physically healthy person remains mentally healthy and faces all kinds of challenges efficiently.

Development of healthy human relations

Human relations are considered the basis of a happy and successful life. A healthy person supports his colleagues and maintains good relations with them. The main objective of health education is to establish brotherhood and better coordination among humans within the family. Health education contributes better to improving human relations. A healthy person constantly thinks about the welfare and betterment of others and always works in harmony with others.

Development of healthy efficiency

Every person has to adopt some profession, trade, or business for his livelihood, and to do his work well, he has to be skilled. Economic efficiency always demands rules and control, whether in production or providing services. A physically healthy person faces such challenges better and proves his efficiency by making good rules.

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Development of civic responsibility related to health

Another primary objective of health education is to develop individual responsibility towards the country. Health education helps in creating a person’s all-around development. Health education helps develop cooperation, affection, charity, a feeling of brotherhood, sacrifice, devotion to duty, and a sense of responsibility in a person. Through Health Education programs, good messages regarding health are propagated and disseminated among the people, due to which good civic values ​​are developed, which leads to the creation of a healthy society and a healthy country.

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