Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system

Exercise has a broader range of benefits for the cardiovascular system, both short-term and long-term. Before knowing the effects, we should know what the Cardiovascular system is.

What is the Cardiovascular system?

The heart is the central organ of the cardiovascular system. The heart is like a pump that sends blood to all body parts through the blood vessels.

There is a network of blood vessels in the form of Arteries, Veins, and capillaries.

Arteries carry pure blood or oxygen-rich blood from the heart to various organs of the body. The capillaries infuse this through multiple organs and supply the oxygen for energy production.

Veins carry back unpure or deoxygenated blood from the organs to the heart for purification. The heart has three main functions-

  1. Pump the purified blood to the whole body, which is called systematic circulation.
  2. Carry the deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for purification or oxygenation, called pulmonary circulation.
  3. The coronary circulation is the specialized circulatory system that supplies blood to the heart muscle.

Effects of Exercise on Cardio Vascular System-

When we do any exercise, it affects our cardiovascular system in two ways.

  • Immediate effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system
  • Long-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system

Immediate effects (Short Term Effect) of exercises on the cardiovascular system-

Exercise can cause the muscles to contract, which leads to increased demand for oxygen. The blood supply to muscles increases; thus, the energy levels become high. This affects the cardiovascular system in the following-

  1. Increase Blood Pressure
  2. Increase heart rate
  3. Enhance blood flow
  4. Increase stroke volume
  5. Increase cardiac output
  1. Increase Blood Pressure- During exercise, systolic blood pressure increases up to 200 mm. However diastolic blood pressure remains more or less constant during the exercise.
  2. Increase Heart Rate- During the exercise, the heart rate become increases from the resting rate of 72 to as much as double.
  3. Enhanced Blood Flow- During exercise, muscles need more blood for energy production. This happens the heart pumps more blood to the muscles.
  4. Increased Stroke Volume- During the exercise, the heart pumps more blood with each contraction.
  5. Increased Cardiac Output- During the exercise, cardiac output increased up to as much as 20-40 liters per minute as the intensity of exercise.
See also  What is the Human Skeletal System?

Long-term effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system-

When we physically active for a long-time there is a positive effects on the cardiovascular system, which are the following-

  1. Increase Heart Size
  2. More Stroke Volume
  3. Slower Heart Rate
  4. Better Cardiac Output
  5. More Blood Volume
  6. Better Capillary Network
  7. Better Recovery Rate
  8. Decrease Blood Pressure at Rest
  9. Lower Risk of Disease
  1. Increase Heart Size- Long-time physical activity strains the muscles of the heart to become stronger. The size and volume of the heart also increases. Heart walls become thicker and blood circulation also improves.
  2. More Stroke Volume- Reular Exercise or physical activity causes the heart to pump more blood at every condition, and the stroke volume becomes increases.
  3. Slower Heart Rate- At rest, the heart rate tends to come down. A lower heart rate means a more efficient heart. This depends upon the stroke volume of the heart going up with regular physical activity.
  4. Better Cardiac Output- As a result, the stroke volume and rate increased, and the output also increased. Because of bigger heart size and strength causes better Cardiac output.
  5. More Blood Volume- Improving Cardiovascular fitness causes more blood to reaches the heart and the results in more blood volume. Oxygen-carrying capacity also increases the blood volume and tends to increase the percentage of red blood cells in the blood. It can cope with the increased oxygen demand of cells during physical activity or exercise.
  6. Better Capillary Network- When we exercise or do physical activity daily, we have a higher number of blood capillaries open for the supply of blood to cells. This increases the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the organs through better blood flow, thus improving our organs health as well as our health.
  7. Better Recovery Rate- When we exercise regularly, our post-exercise recovery is quicker and better. Our heart rate and breathing also normalise faster when we exercise regularly.
  8. Decrease Blood Pressure at Rest- A stronger heart pumps more blood with less effort at rest, so the blood pressure tends to be lower during the rest.
  9. Lower Risk of Diseases- Risk of high cholesterol and diabetes etc., has been found to be lower in those people who exercise regularly. Regular exercise has proved effective in preventing lifestyle diseases such as depression, hypertension, obesity, back pain, etc.

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