History of Physical Education During Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Period

There is no literary material of any kind available about physical education during the Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Periods in ancient India. Ancient India, like ancient China, was religious and very close to Indian culture and traditions. His lifestyle was effortless. Ancient India had developed into an urban civilization by about 3000 BC, clear evidence of which we find in the excavations of Harappa and Mohenjodaro. During this period, there were big gymnasiums where people used to exercise collectively and keep themselves healthy, as well as big bathing houses where citizens used to take baths. During this period, excellent arrangements for drainage were made. During this period, citizens were very conscious of cleanliness. We can divide the history of physical education in ancient India into the following periods –

History of Physical Education in the Indus Valley Civilization (3250-2500 BC)

There is no evidence of any kind of art or physical education during the early Vedic period. From the study of war scriptures, tools, equipment, seals, and sculptures found in the excavations of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, it can be inferred that during this period, physical activities were practiced through games sports, and entertainment.
The popular entertainment of the people of the pre-Vedic period was especially community dance, which is evidenced by the bronze statue of a girl in a dancing posture excavated at Mohenjodaro. The most important evidence of the Indus Valley Civilization was found in Mohenjodaro, a huge bathhouse similar to today’s swimming pool. This bathhouse was a part of a huge reservoir which was 60 meters long and 3.6 meters wide. The actual bathhouse was 18 meters long and 2.5 meters wide and was situated in the middle of this huge reservoir. There were verandahs located all around this bathhouse. A big hammam was located near it, which had a fountain of cold and hot water and a separate room for oil massage.
During this period, marble balls and dice were used in games. The game of dice was very popular during this period, the proof of which is the discovery of many dice during excavations. Both tubular and cuboidal dice were excavated, but it is unclear which games originated from these dice; samples of some incomplete boards were excavated which were probably played with the help of money. Boxing and animal fighting were quite popular during this period.

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History of Physical Education in the Vedic period (2500-1000 BC)

There is abundant evidence of Aryan civilization in this period of ancient India. The Aryan people came from Central Asia and settled in the Ganga and Indus plains of India. They were powerful people with tall stature and fair complexion. Generally, these people earned their living through agriculture and reared sheep and goats.
Yoga originated in the Vedic period itself, and Suryanamaskar is considered an integral part of the exercise system. To keep the body healthy and fit, the practice of yoga asanas and pranayam was considered essential. During this period, people were adept in activities like archery, swimming, wrestling, shooting, horse riding, chariot racing, etc., and used them for war, sports, and entertainment.
During this period, people were also adept in the game of dice, this game was played by both old and young. Hunting was also popular as a sport during this period. Dance and music were also a medium of entertainment during this period. Fighting between animals and birds was also quite popular in this period. Such fights were organized for entertainment at fairs and festivals. Physical strength and culture had a special place in the Vedic period. Physical strength was given more importance than academic education. Special attention was given to yoga for the development of spiritual strength.

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