History of Physical Education in the Epic, Pre-Hindu and Late-Hindu Period

During the epic period, pre-Hindu period, and late Hindu period, citizens were very conscious of cleanliness. We can discuss here the history of physical education in these periods.

History of Physical Education in the Epic Period (1000 BC- 600 BC)

During this period, classic epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata were created. The study of these epics shows that physical education was an important part of the general education system. This period is also referred to as the Upanishad period. During this period, all the scriptures were taught by the Guru in the Gurukul. During this period, the level of disciplines like wrestling, archery, etc. was very high.

History of Physical Education in the Pre-Hindu Period (600 BC- 300 AD)

Even after the epic period, mention of physical training is recorded in the inscriptions. During this period, the role of plays and festivals was important among humans. Hunting was his favorite sport, it was considered a royal sport. Dogs were kept in homes only for sport. There is also mention of water sports by the kings during this period. Games like dice and chess were also quite popular during this period. Animal fighting was also a means of entertainment during this period. During this period, special attention was given to physical strength, as a result of which physical activities like wrestling, mace fighting, horse riding as well as archery, fencing, javelin throwing and water sports were also very popular.
During this period, along with physical strength, special attention was also given to mental health, and yoga asanas, pranayam, and Surya Namaskar were practiced regularly. During this period, like men, women were also adept in activities like archery, fencing, horse riding, etc.
During this period, India was divided into small Mahajanapadas. During this period, iron was discovered and weapons started being made from iron. Buddhism and Jainism emerged during this period. Both Buddhism and Jainism paid special attention to non-violence and peace. During this period, many ambassadors from other countries came to India and studied the culture here. Greek Ambassador Megasthenes has beautifully mentioned the reign of Chandragupta Maurya in his book Indica that the condition of physical education and weapon training was quite good during this period. Physical activities like wrestling, running, javelin throwing, chariot racing, etc. were also very popular during this period.
In the same period, during the reign of Emperor Ashoka, the level of physical education was very strong because the physical strength and capability of his army were very good.

See also  Personality

History of Physical Education in the Late-Hindu period (300 AD- 1200 AD)

It was during this period that great universities like Nalanda and Takshashila emerged. Both of these were the only institutions to get intellectual, physical, and aesthetic education. Special training was given in sports like wrestling, archery, and mountaineering. During this period, physical education was given special patronage by the great Gupta rulers. People also considered the activities established by the rulers as ideals and followed them and participated in various activities. During this period, the men of India were strong and intelligent. Scenes of fighting between men and lions can be seen in the artifacts of the Kushan period found in Mathura. The rulers of the Ganga dynasty of Orissa also paid special attention to the physical strength of the army.
In this period, after the Maurya Empire, the whole of India was conquered by Samudra Gupta, and the whole of India was once again tied together. This period is known as the Golden Age. After Samudra Gupta, the whole of India was ruled peacefully by his son Chandragupta II Vikramaditya. During this period, along with physical activities, various fine arts and literature developed. Many books were written in this period. Great scholars like the great poets Kalidas, Bhasa, Rudrak, Vishak Dutt, Amar Singh, and Vachayan took Indian literature to the highest peak.
During this period, Nalanda University was a famous educational institution, where about 6 thousand students studied. In the university, along with religious, scientific, and intellectual curricular discussions, students were given regular practice of swimming, breathing exercises, and yoga.
After the Gupta dynasty, the Rajput period emerged, and India was again divided into many states. During this period, the Chauhan dynasty, Parmar, Tomar, Dhakare, etc. dynasties emerged which were quite famous for their devotion to duty. During this period, the Hindu religion re-emerged, this period is also called the Shaurya period. During this period, physical education was compulsory in the entire state. Along with the army, it was mandatory for common citizens to also participate in physical activities like archery, Khadak, javelin throwing, etc. Rajput children were trained to use daggers and knives since childhood and were made to perform very difficult physical exercises to develop physical strength. Rajputs were very fond of sports like horse riding, javelin throwing, archery, wrestling, hunting, mace fighting, etc., and along with this, animal-bird fighting was also prevalent for entertainment. Dance music was also organized in religious fairs.

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