

Meaning of Personality

Did you know that the term “personality” comes from the Latin word “persona”? At first, it was used to describe the masks that actors wore to change their appearance on stage. Over time, it evolved to refer to the actors themselves. This common notion of personality is very much usual from the concept of psychologists. Personality includes the totality of one’s behavior that should be taken into consideration.

Table of contents-

  • Meaning of Personality
  • Definitions of Personality
  • Types of Personality

Definitions of Personality:

According to Allport, personality refers to the dynamic organization of psychophysical systems within an individual that determines their unique adjustments to the environment.

According to Morton Prince, personality encompasses an individual’s activities, tendencies, appetites, instincts, dispositions, and learned behaviors.

Watson defines personality as the sum of activities that can be observed over a long period to provide reliable information.

Types of Personality:

Individual people can be classified based on universal factors that constitute the core part of each type. Human behavior is a complex issue to understand and often unpredictable. The personality types A, B, C, and D are explained in detail in the subsequent part.

Type “A’ personality: These individuals are extremely independent, competitive, ambitious, and naturally optimistic. They are self-driven and know the significance of positive thinking, motivation, and goal setting. These individuals are impatient and tend to have rudeness and aggressiveness. Type A personality individuals are adventurous and risk-takers and possess the ability to problem-solve.

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Type ‘B’ personality: Type B personalities are the literal contradiction of type A personalities. Even in stressful situations, they are not too stressful. They can be described as being happy-go-lucky, who are particularly undisturbed in any circumstances. They are by and large cheerful, light-hearted, and fun to be around, usually entertaining to be with. You enjoy relaxing and accepting the things you eat. Individuals of this type are characterized by their lack of urgency, they must complete their work at their proper time.

Type ‘C personality: This type of person generally includes introverts and people concerned with facts. To find a fact that interests them, they may return to paradise and sicken the envers. They are engrossed in finding out how things work precisely. They are extremely sensitive and thoughtful. The Type C personalities are of a reserved nature and are alert as well.

Type ‘D’ personality: These individuals are deemed apathetic. They have a preference to join the trampled ways and establish routines over the ambiguity of alteration. It sends direct instructions and supports the latest instructions. When it comes to taking risks and responsibility, they tend to back out of the situations. These people are afflicted with pessimism as well as sadness, restlessness, irritability, and a lack of confidence in them. They avoid sharing their negative emotions and avoid rejection.


According to Carl Jung, there are three personality types: Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts According to him, there are four basic psychological traits in humans such as thinking feel sense, and perceiving. During participation in games and sports, an athlete faces different types of situations with their teammates and coach. Problem-focusing strategies depend upon the level of adjustment of an individual to his environment. It aims to eliminate the factors of stress.

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Sheldon’s Body Personality:

In the 1940s, W.H. Sheldon proposed a theory about the personal characteristics of the three types. It is also known as somatotypes.

He introduced the three types of somatotypes: endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy.

  1. Endomorphy:
  • Characteristics: Endomorphs typically have a soft and round physique with a higher percentage of body fat.
  • Traits: They are often characterized as being relaxed, sociable, and tolerant. Endomorphs may have a tendency to be more laid-back and enjoy activities that involve comfort and relaxation.
  • Examples: Individuals with an endomorphic body type might excel in activities that don’t require high levels of physical agility, such as weightlifting or activities that involve endurance.
  1. Mesomorphy:
  • Characteristics: Mesomorphs have a naturally muscular and athletic build with well-defined muscles and a low percentage of body fat.
  • Traits: They tend to be competitive, assertive, and confident. Mesomorphs are often seen as leaders and may excel in sports and physical activities.
  • Examples: Many professional athletes, bodybuilders, and individuals in physically demanding professions exhibit mesomorphic traits due to their natural athleticism.
  1. Ectomorphy:
  • Characteristics: Ectomorphs are typically lean and slender with a lower percentage of body fat and minimal muscle mass.
  • Traits: They are often introverted, analytical, and may be more sensitive to environmental stimuli. Ectomorphs may prefer intellectual or creative pursuits over physically demanding activities.
  • Examples: Scientists, artists, and individuals who excel in intellectual fields may have ectomorphic characteristics, although it’s important to note that somatotypes are not rigid classifications.

It’s important to understand that most individuals are not purely one somatotype but rather a combination of these three to varying degrees. These somatotypes serve as a basic framework to help us understand human body types and tendencies, but they do not account for the full range of human diversity. Additionally, lifestyle choices, genetics, and other factors can influence an individual’s physique and personality traits, making it essential to treat these classifications with caution and avoid stereotypes.

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