What is Physical Education?

physical education

Plato was the first to recognize the importance of physical education and activity and said, “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of man, while movement and systematic exercise saves and preserves it.”

Physical Education

Human development started from his movement. Humans are nature’s most active and creative creatures, and physical activity has been an important part of their lives since evolution. Searching for food and shelter was the first activity for primitive humans in the Stone Age. As humans developed culturally, emotionally, and socially, so did their functionality. As society became complex and reached the modern era, physical activity became organized and supervised and came to be known as physical education.

Plato was the first to recognize the importance of physical education and activity and said, “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of man, while movement and systematic exercise saves and preserves it.”

When human activities are combined with global sports activities, it becomes a powerful medium of education, then it is called physical education.

Meaning of Physical Education

Physical education is made up of two different words, one is physical and the other one is education.

The general meaning of the word physical is various body-related functions, it may be related to any one or all the physical characteristics. It is also known as physical strength, physical ability, physical fitness, physical appearance physical health, etc.

The word education means systematic instruction or training or systematic preparation for life or guidance given to a particular person.

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The combined meaning of these two words is systematic training in physical activity or a program of activities. Which is extremely necessary for the development and maintenance of the human body or the transmission of powers.

Definitions of Physical Education

Definitions change with the views that people express towards values, their importance, scale, and life, hence it would not be possible to give only one definition of physical education.

Different physical educationists have given different definitions, some of which are as follows-

According to H.C. Buck, “Physical education is a part of the general education program which is concerned with the growth, development, and education of the child through vigorous muscular conditioning. It is the education of the whole child which is based on physical activities.” “Physical activity is a tool. It is so selective and controlled that it affects every aspect of a child’s life – physical health, mental health, emotional health, and moral health.”

According to J. P. Thomas, “Physical education is the development of the complete personality of the child through physical conditioning and brings satisfaction and absoluteness in his mind, body, and soul.”

According to J. B. Nash, “Physical education is that part of the entire education field which is concerned with activities related to muscle power.”

According to Thomas Wood, “The excellent idea in physical education isn’t the physical nature of the education, but the connection of physical training with the completion of education.”

According to William H. Philpatric, “Physical education is a method of instruction imparted through stimulating activities and experiences, and its subject matter is directly related to practical training.”

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According to Brown Bell, “Physical education is the accumulated set of experiences acquired through participation in muscular activities which promote maximum growth and development.”

According to Edward Hitchcock, ” Physical education means the transmission to the pupil of those powers and capacities which are able to keep his body fit and working and giving great strength to his intellectual and emotional life.”

According to Harold M. Barrow, “Physical education is the education that comes from human activity itself, where the goals of education are achieved through muscle power, which includes sports, games, gymnastics, dance, exercise, etc.”

According to Nixon and Cozen, “Physical education is that stage of the total educational process which is concerned with the consequent modification of muscular activities and related personal responses.”

According to Charles A. Bucher, “Physical education is an essential part of the entire educational process and an area of employment that arises from the ability to take care of the person in the context of his professional career.”

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