Sprain and Strain


A sprain is a soft tissue injury. It is the injury of ligaments. A sprain occurs in joints like that- ankle joints, wrist joints, knee joints, and elbow joints. A sprain may or may not lead to a fracture.


It is classified into three grades based on their severity.

  • Grade-I
  • Grade-II
  • Grade-III

Grade I- This is a mild sprain. It occurs through stretching and a small tear in the ligaments. It can be cured at home. Pain, redness, and swelling occur in the joints.

Grade II- This is a moderate sprain. In this, a larger but incomplete tear is present in the ligaments. Excess pain, redness, and swelling occur in the joints.

Grade III- This is a severe sprain. In this ligaments tear completely. Excessive pain, redness, swelling, and full movements block this.

Causes- Uneven playing surface, quick movements, weak muscle strength, less flexibility, absence of safety gears, and absence of proper warming up.

Symptoms- Pain, swelling, brushing difficulty in motion (Popping sound at the time of injury).


  • Good muscle strength can reduce the chance of sprain.
  • Flexibility also reduces the chance of sprain.
  • Good balance of the body reduces the chance of sprain.
  • Use proper gear to minimize the chance of a sprain.


The standard treatment of all types of sprain starts with RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). A severe sprain may require evaluation by the doctor. After 72 hours of standard treatment, patients should switch to MICE (Mobilization, Ice, Compression, and Elevation). In the case of grade III, there is only one treatment: surgery.

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Mobilization should be gentle and gradual, avoiding quick movements. When we start mobilization we need to avoid the full range of motion of joints and move the joints gradually and gently.

Any movements of the joint increase the pain should be avoided. At the beginning of rehabilitation, we should start with a small movement and gradually increase the range of motion of that joint

Compression is needed for the initial few days only to reduce swelling. The limb should be kept elevated until the swelling, pain, and redness have decreased considerably.


Strain is also a soft tissue injury without any fracture that is present in muscles and tendons due to over-stretching.


  • Grade I (Mild strain)
  • Grade II (Moderate strain)
  • Grade III (Severe strain)

Grade I Strain or Mild Strain- In this type of strain very small Muscle stretch due to over-stretching during the exercise. It occurs due to improper warming up.

Grade II or Moderate Strain- In this type of strain moderate muscle stretch appears due to over-exercising. In this case, muscle inflammation, pain, redness, and muscle cramp appear on that particular part of the body.

Overstretching, wrong techniques, and improper warming up are the main cause of these types of injuries.

Grade III or Severe Strain- In such cases, muscle fibers become torn due to overexercising. Thus the person feels excessive pain, inflammation, and difficulty in movements.

Causes of Strain-

  • Improper Warming up
  • Use wrong techniques to perform skills
  • Weak Muscles Strength
  • Less flexibility
  • Over Stretching

Symptoms of Strain-

  • Symptoms are similar to a sprain but the position becomes changed.
  • In The Strain, the person feels muscular pain, and muscle cramps in some cases.
  • Difficulty in motion in severe strain condition.
  • swelling and redness present in that place.
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  • Proper warming up before exercise or sports.
  • Use proper techniques as well as safety measures.
  • Avoiding over-stretching.
  • Improve flexibility to minimize the chances of strain.
  • Improve muscle strength to minimize injury chances.


In case of strain best treatment is the rest and use RICE to overcome the injury following methods to use for the treatment of strain.

  • In case of mild strain or grade I strain we can take a rest and icing on that place to overcome the injury.
  • in case of grade II or moderate strain use RICE and some medication after the doctor consultation.
  • In case of grade III or severe strain use RICE at the primary level and go for Surgery after doctor consultation. then use therapy to overcome strain.
  • Proper therapy enhances the recovery rate.

Note- Avoid self-medication after any injury.

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