Physical Education in India before and after independence

There is no literary material available about physical education in ancient India. Ancient India, like ancient China, was religious and very close to Indian culture and traditions. His lifestyle was very simple.In ancient India, the main education center was Gurukul, where sages and sages provided complete education. Special attention was given to physical activities in…

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How to mark Track?

Every measurement related to track is decided by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (from 1912-2001) and International Association of Athletics Federations (from 2001-2009 both were known as IAAF) now it is known as World Athletics. All national, international, and Olympic competitions are held on this track. The shape of the track and field is oval…

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physical education

What is Physical Education?

Plato was the first to recognize the importance of physical education and activity and said, “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of man, while movement and systematic exercise saves and preserves it.” Physical Education Human development started from his movement. Humans are nature’s most active and creative creatures, and physical activity has been an…

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Sprain and Strain

Sprain- A sprain is a soft tissue injury. It is the injury of ligaments. A sprain occurs in joints like that- ankle joints, wrist joints, knee joints, and elbow joints. A sprain may or may not lead to a fracture. classification- It is classified into three grades based on their severity. Grade I- This is…

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Diabetes and its cure by yoga

Diabetes and Its Management through Yoga: A Holistic Approach Understanding Diabetes Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a chronic metabolic disorder and it is characterized by increasing blood sugar levels. This condition arises due to the body’s inability to effectively use or produce insulin, a hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose. Types of diabetes:…

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