Circulatory System and Its Function

The Circulatory System: Its Structure and Vital Functions The circulatory system, often referred to as the cardiovascular system, is a complex network of organs, vessels, and blood that plays a fundamental role in maintaining life. It serves as the body’s transportation system, circulating blood and vital substances throughout the body to support various functions. In…

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physical education

What is Physical Education?

Plato was the first to recognize the importance of physical education and activity and said, “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of man, while movement and systematic exercise saves and preserves it.” Physical Education Human development started from his movement. Humans are nature’s most active and creative creatures, and physical activity has been an…

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What is Disorder?

Disorder- When discussing conditions that affect a person’s physical or mental well-being, the term “disorder” is often used. Often, symptoms start gradually and can affect daily activities before becoming noticeable. As per the Oxford English Dictionary, illness means a condition that disturbs the normal physical or mental functions of a person. Types of Disorder- The…

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How to Hypertension Cured by Yoga?

Hypertension Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition characterized by elevated pressure within the arteries. There is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, heart strokes, and kidney-related problems. While yoga alone might not be a definitive cure for hypertension, it can play a supportive role in…

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