League Tournament
Table of Contents
A League tournament is a type of tournament in which each team clashes with every other team once or twice as the case may be irrespective of victory or defeat. It is also known as the Round Robin tournament. It is two types:-
1- Single League tournament
2- Double League tournament
1- Single League-
In this format, each team plays the other only once. Resultantly, the total number of contests to be played is
N(N-1)/2; where N stands for the number of teams.
e.g.- matches for 11 teams
=55 matches.
2- Double League-
In the double league, every team plays each other twice as a result of which the total number of matches to be played is
N(N-1); where N stands for the number of teams.
e.g.- matches for 3 teams
=6 matches.
Advantages of League tournament:-
1- The true winner is decided without any difficulty.
2- Participating teams are ranked appropriately.
3- Participants can continue playing until the end regardless of winning or losing.
4- By providing the participating teams with a greater number of opportunities to play, their level of performance is likely to improve.
5- The sports get more publicity as does the tournament.
6- It does not require one team to wait until others have played the next round.
Disadvantages of League tournament:-
1- This tournament is a time-consuming affair.
2- It is not very economical in terms of cost for both, the organizers and the participants.
3- Enormous facilities such as equipment, playfields/ courts, and personnel are required to conduct the tournaments.