How to Give Bye in Fixture?

What is bye?

Simply we can understand that bye is the benefit for the team and a process to conduct easily to the tournament.

Bye is short of a privilege to a team.

Bye is an opportunity to play the match in the higher round without playing the lower round.

Bye is usually used in knock-out tournaments.

How to calculate bye?

This method is used only for an even number of teams.
Bye is given the nearest power of two minus the total number of the team.

For example- If we have 20 teams then how many byes for this tournament?
first, we know that the nearest power of two is- 2,4,8,16,32. that is 32.
Because 32 is more than 20 and 16 is less than 20 we take 32.
then subtract 20 from 32
32-20= 12 byes.
how to arrange byes in the total team.
first, divide the total teams into two halves. the upper half and lower half.
20/2= 10
10 teams are in the upper half and the remaining 10 teams are in the lower half.

*The first bye is given to the last team of the lower half.
* The second bye is given to the first team for the upper half.
* The third bye is given to the first team of the lower half.
* The fourth bye is given to the last team of the upper half.
*The fifth bye is given to the second-last team of the lower half.
* The sixth bye is given to the second team of the upper half.
*The seventh bye is given to the second team of the lower half.
*The eighth bye is given to the second-last team of the upper half.
*The ninth bye gives to the third-last team of the lower half.
*The tenth bye is given to the third team of the upper half.
*The eleventh bye is given to the third team of the lower half.

*The twelfth bye is given to the third-last team of the upper half.

Byes Chart-( method to gives bye)

Team No. – Bye No.

Team 1- 2nd bye

Team 2 – 6th bye

Team 3 – 10th bye

Team 4 – No bye

Team 5 – No bye

Team 6 – No bye

Team 7 –  No bye        UPPER HALVES

Team 8 – 12th bye

Team 9- 8th bye

Team 10 – 4th bye


Team 11- 3rd bye

Team 12 – 7th bye

Team 13 – 11th bye

Team 14 – No bye

Team 15 – No bye     LOWER HALVES

Team 16 – No bye

Team 17 – No bye

Team 18- 9th bye

Team 19 – 5th bye

Team 20 – 1st bye

How many matches were played between 20 teams in knock-out tournaments?
Total matches =n-1
The total number of teams minus (-) 1.
20-1=19 matches. (for winner team not for third place)


If we have an odd number of teams like 7, 13, 23 31, etc. the bye given criteria will be changed.
example for 13 teams.
The number of byes = 16-13=3 byes (because 13 is less than 16 so the next power of two is 16 for 13 teams.)
First, divide teams into two halves.
Upper half-  n+1/2
=13+1/2=7 teams (upper half)
Lower half- n-1/2
=13-1/2= 6 teams (lower half)
In an odd-number team, we give bye separately upper half and lower half. but the total bye is the same as the total number of the team.
Bye for the upper half (7 teams)
7 teams lie in 8 so the number of byes= is 8-7 =1 bye.
Byes for the lower half (6 teams)
6 teams lie in 8 so the number of bye= 8-6 =2 byes.

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